Download Release Bundle
The Download Release Bundle action utilizes JFrog’s packaged release cycle to deploy your entire application to your edge devices.
Release Bundle Overview
A release bundle groups together the contents that make up your release and provides the bill of materials for the release. For example, you can group together the different build artifacts, such as Docker images, that make up your release. The group of files can then be deployed as a single unit to your IoT devices.
A release bundle plays a central role in the distribution flow. It specifies the different files, packages, and metadata that comprise a release, and is created and managed in JFrog Distribution. Since all the files specified in a release bundle are required in order to keep the release coherent, a release bundle is immutable.
Release Bundle Versions
JFrog Connect supports Release Bundles v1 and v2.
Download Release Bundle Action
The Download Release Bundle action enables you to deploy a versioned package of software artifacts to your edge devices. In addition, a release bundle has the ability to deploy Docker images using the Docker Compose engine.
Deployments using the release bundle action overwrite the entirety of the files in the device folder. Therefore, a release bundle must include all of your released software, including all dependencies.
Release Versioning
As release bundles are a complete version of your software release, it is important to follow the best practices described below in order to properly version your releases and keep control over your artifacts.
Versioned Folders
When a bundle is created in Artifactory, your files get signed and become immutable. Therefore, it is important to organize your software into versioned folders in your Artifactory repository.
The versioned structure is a user-created hierarchy of folder and sub-folders. The hierarchy you create should not not impact your application dependencies, as this is an Artifactory-only configuration. For example, an application that is stored inside the app-files
repository will be organized into version folders as follows:
Before creating the Release Bundle, create a folder under app-files that includes all of your applications and name it with a version that represents the entire application as a whole.
By using this structure, you may create a Release Bundle over your v2 application that makes the contents of the v1 folder immutable.
When a binary needs to be updated, you will create a new version folder, e.g., v2, to store the new files that will eventually be bound together as another Release Bundle.
On-Device Hierarchy Dependency
The device will contain only the latest deployed version of the release bundle. Any previous versions are deleted upon deployment.
In order to ensure your application reliability on your edge devices, keep in mind the following when you deploy a release bundle:
Connect Agent deletes the previous binary versions.
This behavior allows the device to be unaware of the repository, version, and dependencies of your software. For example, when deploying v1
of app-files
to /home/user/
the app-files/v1
hierarchy will be removed and the application will be stored as follows:
/home/user/<application binaries>
By removing the previous versions together with the Repository and V1 folders, the device will always run the latest release bundle version without relying on a dependency such as the version folder name.
JFrog Artifactory on the Cloud (SaaS) platform with a Pro, Enterprise X, or Enterprise+ license, or on the Self-Hosted platform with a Pro, Pro X, Enterprise X, or Enterprise+ license.
Release Bundle v2 requires JFrog Distribution and Artifactory Enterprise+.
Connect Agent 6.0 or later and at least one device registered.
A release bundle that is ready for deployment.
Drag the Action
To include the Download Release Bundle action in your update flow, do the following:
Go to Deployment in the left menu and click Create Update Flow..
Drag the Download Release Bundle action and drop it in the workflow.
Configure the Action
Click the action to open and configure it.
Enter a name for the action.
Enter your JFrog Registry in the dropdown box. If the registry does not appear in the list, go to Add JFrog Registry to add yours to the list. Then return to this configuration and the added registry will appear in the list.
Enter a Name for your release bundle and the Version of the release bundle that you used in Artifactory.
Tip: When you deploy the Download Release Bundle update flow with a v2 release bundle, Connect will automatically fill the Name and Version fields and use the release bundle name and version as the App name and version.
Enter the Device Destination Path. This is where the release bundle will be installed on the edge devices. The directory on the device must exist beforehand, otherwise, the update will fail. Connect does not automatically create directories when deploying updates. You may create a folder using the Run Command action in the General Section.
(Optional) If you have one or more files in your release bundle that need to go to different paths on the edge device, mark Release Bundle Artifact Path. Then specify the Release Bundle Path and the Device Destination Path for each file.
(Optional) If your release bundle includes Docker images, mark Docker Compose, then specify the Release Bundle Path and the Device Destination Path for the Docker Compose YAML file.
Configure your On Failure policy and instructions for rolling back, if necessary.
Save your action configuration.
Artifactory Edge
If you want the action to pull content from an Artifactory Edge account, complete the procedure in Add JFrog Registry, and then choose that registry as your JFrog Registry in Step 2 above.
On Failure and Rollback
For your On Failure policy, choose the actions for Connect to do in case the Download Release Bundle action fails.
Continue Update Flow: If the Download Release Bundle action fails, Connect will simply continue with the next action block in the update workflow.
Run General Rollback: The action and the entire update workflow are rolled back.
Do Action: The action to do when this action is rolled back. In this case, the action is to revert all files.
Revert all Files
As a general precaution, Connect Agent creates a backup of the relevant device folder in a temporary location. If a rollback is required, the agent restores the folder to its initial state.
Free Memory Requirement
In order to enable Rollback functionality, your device's free memory must be greater than the update size. To calculate the amount of free memory required, use the relationship below:
Free Memory Required > Current Folder Size + Update Size + 10MB
What’s Next?
Learn more about Update Parameters and find out how they might be useful for your Release Bundles workflow.
Last updated
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