Register a Device

There are a few ways to register a device in the JFrog Connect system. This page describes how to connect a single Linux-based device using the wget command on your device.


You need the following before starting the procedure:

  • Device meets minimum hardware, OS, and software requirements as described in Connect Agent

  • Internet connectivity with the device

  • JFrog Connect account created and a project defined as described in Create JFrog Connect Account

Connect a Device

Complete the following steps:

Tip: All input parameters in Connect, such as project name, group, device, access tokens, etc., are case sensitive.

  1. In the Connect web UI, click Register a Device on the top left.

A popup opens showing a command that includes your user token and the project name in the places indicated below.

sudo wget -O - "" | sudo sh -s <UserToken> <Project>
  1. Open the command line terminal on your device and run the command that appears in the Device Registration popup. In most cases, you will need to copy the command into the device or type in the command manually. The tabs in the Device Registration popup show different forms of the command to use depending on whether you are a root user or a regular user.

    When the command completes successfully, the device will appear as “New Device” in the Devices page as shown below.

Use Optional Registration Parameters

You can add optional parameters to the end of the Register command.

  • -n=<device_name> Sets a device name when the device is registered. You can enter a fixed name (e.g., -n=BlueDevice014) or you can use a parameter like “$HOSTNAME”.

  • -g=<group_name> Assigns the device to a specific group when the device is registered. The group must already exist in the system.

  • -s=<software_version> Creates an application called default_app with the version that you enter in the command.

Example Command

su -c 'wget -O - "" | sh -s 81CGQw6GjFsAehZ6mkKpwWGfAkJXdecggR Demo -n=my_device_name -g=Test -s=1.0'

Set Device Parameters in Devices Page

If you do not set the device name and group name parameters when registering the device (using the optional registration parameters), you can always rename the device later and assign it to a different group using the web UI.

  1. In the Devices page, select the row of the device you want to modify.

  2. In the General Details panel on the Devices page, click Change. Then you can edit the device name, reassign the device to a different group, and save your changes.


After you enter the registration command, you may need to wait several seconds until the new device appears on the Devices page. If the device does not appear, try the steps below.

  1. Check the network connection of your device.

  2. Ensure that systemd or SysV is installed.

  3. If you are using SysV, ensure that the systemd directory doesn't exist: /etc/systemd/system.

  4. Ensure that the user_token and project_name are correct.

  5. Run the installation command as a root user.

  6. See the Troubleshooting page for common issues and fixes.

What’s Next?

It is also possible to register devices without a direct download to the device. Additional methods enable device registration at scale. Learn more.

Last updated