JFrog Connect API requests that act on the edge device or retrieve information from one or more devices.
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JFrog Connect API requests that act on the edge device or retrieve information from one or more devices.
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Returns a list of devices according to the filter options that you specify and information about each device.
The project key of the relevant project in the account. An account can have multiple projects. If you don't know the project key, you can find it in the Settings of the web UI in the Projects tab.
The name of the group the device belongs to. If you do not specify a group name, then all the devices in the project will be specified.
Returns devices having this tag. To search for multiple tags, for example, records having tag-a, or tag-b, or tag-c, enter a separate key and value for each tag to include. (For example, a new row in the Query Params table for each tag.)
Returns the next set (i.e., next cursor) of records. This is applicable whenever the number of devices to be returned is greater than the limit. For example, if the first cursor returned the limit of 100 records, this parameter is required to receive the next 100 records. The value of the input string can be found at the end of the output of the current cursor.
The number of devices to show in each cursor of data returned. Default is 100, and maximum is 1000. Must be positive integer.
Returns the details about a single device.
The project key of the relevant project in the account. An account can have multiple projects. If you don't know the project key, you can find it in the Settings of the web UI in the Projects tab.
The UUID of the device you are acting on. This is the unique identifier of the device in Connect, for example, d-4cfe-4e51. You can find the UUID in the ID column of the Devices table in the Devices page of the web UI.
Returns additional information about the device, including app_name, version, mac_addresses, tags, and updates. Updates includes the last five updates to the device. Default is False.
Updates information on a device. You can make updates using the Add, Replace, and Remove operations, and you can replace values of multiple parameters in a single API request. This request is based on the RFC 6902 specification.
For the "tags" value, spaces are allowed in the tag name. You can add multiple tag values, with each value separated by a comma.
The project key of the relevant project in the account. An account can have multiple projects. If you don't know the project key, you can find it in the Settings of the web UI in the Projects tab.
The UUID of the device you are acting on. This is the unique identifier of the device in Connect, for example, d-4cfe-4e51. You can find the UUID in the ID column of the Devices table in the Devices page of the web UI.
List of operations to be performed on the device
Moves a device from one project to another. You need to specify both the destination project and a destination group in that project. For more information about the data that is transferred with the device, see Move Device between Projects in the web UI user documentation.
The project key of the relevant project in the account. An account can have multiple projects. If you don't know the project key, you can find it in the Settings of the web UI in the Projects tab.
The UUID of the device you are acting on. This is the unique identifier of the device in Connect, for example, d-4cfe-4e51. You can find the UUID in the ID column of the Devices table in the Devices page of the web UI.
The project key to which the device is transferred.
The group name in the destination project to which the device is transferred.