
The device_apps endpoint is only used for the deletion of Apps.

If you would like to add an App to your device via our Rest API, see Change devices details, or deploy an Update to your device.

Delete Apps from devices


Using this call, you can delete an app from devices.

Request Body




The app name you want to delete An app with that name must exist.



This is your account token. Can be found under the Settings category on Connect dashboard.



A JSON object with the filter you would like to apply on your devices fleet. This filter will be applied and the result will be the devices that receive this update. The object has multiple keys: 1. "project": {"name": "<project_name>"} set the <project_name> as your project name from Connect dashboard. The project key must exist and the value of it is a JSON with the key name. 2. "groups": [{"name": "<group_name>"}] set the <group_name> as a group name from Connect dashboard. The groups key is a must key but the value of it can be an empty list. The value of it is a list of JSON objects each has a key called name. If multiple groups exist, all devices within those groups will receive the update. 3. "filters": [{"type": "<filter_type>", "operand": "<operand>", "value": "<value>"}] the filters key lets you add custom filters. Set the <type> key as the type of the filter (possible types can be found under this form). Set the <operand> key as the operand for this filter (possible operands can be found under this form). Set the <value> key as the value for this filter (the value depends on the type of the filter, examples can be found under this form). You can set multiple filters, if you do so, they will all be applied on top of each other (examples can be found under this form). The filters key is a must key but the value of it can be an empty list.

{"message": "Success"}

Possible types and values:

  • device_filter object:

    • filters key:

      • Possible values for the type key:

        • specific_device - Set this value if you want to filter one specific device. The value of the value key of this type is the ID of the device you want to filter (you can obtain the id on Connect dashboard). The possible operand key values for this type are: is, is_not

        • tag - Set this value if you want to filter devices by a tag. The value of the value key of this type is the name of the tag you want to filter (you can obtain the tag name on Connect dashboard). The possible operand key values for this type are: is, is_not

        • app - Set this value if you want to filter devices by the apps that are set to them. The value of the value key of this type is the app name. The possible operand key values for this type are: is, is_not.

        • device_state - Set this value if you want to filter devices by their state. The possible values of the value key of this type are: online, offline. The possible operand key value of this type is: is

        • update_status - Set this value if you want to filter devices by their last update status. The possible values of the value key of this type are: pending, in_progress, success, failed, aborted. The possible operand key value of this type is: is, is_not

All values must be of type: String.

Full payload example:

    "user_token": "<user token>",
    "app_name": "some-app-name",
    "device_filter": {"project": {"name": "Demo"},
                       "groups": [{"name": "TestGroup1"}, {"name": "TestGroup2"}],
                       "filters": [{"type": "specific_device",
                                    "operand": "is",
                                    "value": "d-4ec7-1be9"}]},

Code Example

import json
import requests

#Upswift tokens
user_token = "<user token>"

json_content = {'user_token': user_token,
                'app_name': 'some-name',
                'device_filter': {'project': {'name': 'Demo'},
                                   'groups': [{'name': 'TestGroup1'}, {'name': 'TestGroup2'}],
                                   'filters': [{'type': 'specific_device',
                                                'operand': 'is',
                                                'value': 'd-4ec7-1be9'}]}
call_request = requests.delete("", json=json_content)
call_response = json.loads(call_request.text)

if call_request.status_code != 200:
    if call_request.status_code == 429:
        error = "API limit reached"
        error = call_response["error_message"]
    response_message = call_response["message"]

Last updated

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