Create a Deployment

This page describes how to deploy a software update once you have created an Update Flow in JFrog Connect.


Once you have created one or more Update Flows in JFrog Connect, you can deploy the software update to your fleet. Connect enables you to deploy to the entire fleet at once or to deploy in various groups or subsets of devices.

When you deploy more than one update to a device, the device software is updated in the order that you sent the deployments.

If a device was offline when you sent the update, the device will update when it comes up again. If you sent multiple updates while the device was down, when it comes up again, the device will update in the order that the updates were sent.


To use the procedure below, you need to have one or more Update Flows created already.

Choose an Update Flow

To choose an update flow, do the following:

  1. Go to Updates in the left sidebar and choose the Update Flows tab.

  1. In the list that appears, look for the Update Flow you want to deploy. If you don’t see it in the list, choose the correct Project and Group in your fleet. You can also use the Search to locate your update flow.

Create Deployment

  1. In the list of Update Flows, click New Deployment in the row of the update flow.

  1. In the New Deployment popup, choose the devices that will be updated. This includes choosing the Groups and any Additional Filters for devices in your fleet.

  1. Set the Deployment Configuration, which includes the following optional tasks:

    1. Schedule Deployment. Connect’s default behavior is to start the deployment as soon as you click Create Deployment. However, you can mark this checkbox to start the deployment at a specific time. Enter your date and time (UTC time zone) in the following format: MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm.

  2. Enter the values for all of the Deployment Parameters required. An example of some deployment parameters is shown below.

  1. Enter a comment that will help you remember something about this deployment.

If you have not scheduled a specific time for the deployment to run, it will start to run as soon as you click Create Deployment.

View Deployment Progress

After creating a deployment, you can keep track of its run status in the Deployments tab, which includes a table of all the deployments run in your fleet.

The table includes the following information:

Hover your cursor over the CVE Severity to see tally of the CVE Severities of vulnerabilities detected. Click the CVE Severity to find out more information about the CVEs.

You can view detailed information about the deployment status of each device on the Progress Details popup.

Stop a Deployment

You can stop the deployment of the entire software update or for a specific device. Deployments can be stopped only if they are in the Pending or In Progress states.

In the table of All Deployments, click the Progress icon for a deployment.

Stop Deployment to Specific Device

To stop the deployment to an individual device only, find the device in the list and click the button on the right.

Stop Deployment to All Devices

To stop the deployment to all of the devices that are still in Pending or In Progress state, click the button on the left.

Deploy Update using API

After an Update Flow has been created, it is possible to deploy the flow from the API.

This is useful for utilizing the pipelines in your development process and taking the deployment of your fleet to the next level. For more information, refer to the Deploy Update page.

What’s Next?

Learn more about the detailed deployment information available in the Progress popup.

Last updated