Change Project, Keep Agent Version

Change the project a device belongs to while keeping the present version of the JFrog Connect Agent on each device.

You can use this procedure as a bulk action to change the project of multiple devices or a single device. When you switch the devices, each device will keep the present version of the Connect Agent it has, i.e., it will not upgrade to the latest Connect Agent version.

Create Settings File and Upload to Update Flow

In this part of the procedure you will create a JSON file and upload it to a Deploy Files update flow. Do the following:

  1. Create a JSON file with the name settings.json. The file will have the following content:

{"user_token":"<user_token>", "project_name”:”<project_name>”, "device_name":"", "device_group":"", "software_version":"", "device_token":""}
  1. Substitute <user_token> with your user token. You can get this from the Account tab in the Settings page. Substitute <project_name> with the name of the project you want to move the device to. For example:

{"user_token":"YourUserTokenXxxxyyyy", "project_name”:”TestProject02”, "device_name":"", "device_group":"", "software_version":"", "device_token":""}
  1. In Updates, go to Create Update Flow, and start a new flow with the Deploy Files action block. Give the flow a name and mark Reboot after Update.

  1. Open the Deploy Files configuration panel, and enter a name for the action block.

  2. Enter the Destination Path on Device, for example, /etc/connect/service/, and upload the settings.json file that you created.

Tip: The Destination Path on Device must exist on the device before you deploy this update flow.

  1. Save the action block configuration, mark Reboot after Update, and Create the update flow.

Deploy the Settings File

In this part of the procedure, you will use the deployment filters to choose the relevant devices and deploy the update flow that switches the devices to a different project. Do the following:

  1. Go to the Update Flows tab and click New Deployment for the update flow you just created.

  1. Select the devices to change. Your selection can include specific groups in the account and any of the additional filters, as shown in the example below.

  1. You can set any of the other deployment options, such as a schedule or an alert. Create the deployment. To view the device in the new project, use the device filter to choose the relevant project name.

What's Next?

Groups can help you organize devices within a project. Learn how to create and manage groups.

Last updated