Get devices details

Devices details


Using this call you will get all details of your devices. You can choose to get details of all devices or all devices in a specific project/group or get the details of just a single device.

Request Body




This is your account token. You can find it under the Settings category on the dashboard.



This is the token of the device you want to get the details of. If you set the device_token, other parameters will be ignored.



This is the group name of the group you would like to get all its device details. Using group_name parameter will work only if project_name is set.



This is the project name of the project you would like to get all its devices state.



The number of results per page. The maximum limit is 50. Default is 20.



Offset to start pagination search results. This should be the last device_id from the previous request.



Returns the details of a specific device, defined by name.

the name must be exactly equal.

    "more": false,
    "message": [
            {"device_id": 123456,
             "device_uuid": "d-1234-1234",
             "device_name": "My-Device-1",
             "upswift_version": "5.1",
             "project": "Test",
             "group": "Production",
             "device_ip": "",
             "last_keepalive": "2020-02-08 16:12:11",
             "cpu_usage": 65,
             "ram_usage": 15,
             "disk_usage": 1022.1,
             "address": "Nurenberg, Germany",
             "lat": 49.4521,
             "lng": 11.0767,
             "is_update_trigger_set": false,
             "description": "device description example",
             "registered_date": "2020-02-07 16:12:11",
             "tags": ["London", "Lab Device", "4inch-screen"],
             "updates": [
                         {"update_id": 1234,
                         "update_status": "success",
                         "update_version": "v1.1",
                         "comment": "Some kind of a comment",
                         "deployment_schedule_time": "2020-02-08 16:12:11"
                         update_id": 5555,
                         "update_status": "pending",
                         "update_version": "v1.2",
                         "comment": "Some kind of a comment",
                         "deployment_schedule_time": "2020-03-09 19:12:11"
             "updates_v2": [
                         {"flow_name": "Some Name",
                         "update_status": "success",
                         "comment": "Some kind of a comment",
                         "deployment_schedule_time": "2020-02-08 16:12:11",
                         "deployment_start_time": "2020-02-08 16:12:11",
                         "deployment_finish_time": "2020-02-08 16:12:11",
                         "apps_updated": [{"app_name": "app1", "app_new_version": "v1.1"}],
                         "deployment_type": "manual"
                         "flow_name": "Some Name2",
                         "update_status": "failed",
                         "comment": "Some kind of a comment",
                         "deployment_schedule_time": "2020-02-08 16:12:11",
                         "deployment_start_time": "2020-02-08 16:12:11",
                         "deployment_finish_time": "2020-02-08 16:12:11",
                         "apps_updated": [{"app_name": "app1", "app_new_version": "v1.1"}],
                         "deployment_type": "api-deployment"
             "apps": [{"app_name": "default_app", 
                       "version": "v1.1"}],
             "mac_addresses": ["ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff", "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff", "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff"],
List of supported objects
1. device_id -  Integer - The ID of the device.
2. device_name - String - The name of the device. 
3. upswift_version - String - Upswift Agent version. 
4. device_uuid - string - The UUID of the device (as shown in the dashboard)
5. project - String - The name of the project this device is registered to. 
6. group - String - The name of the group this device is registered to. 
7. device_ip - String - The IP of the device. 
8. last_keepalive - String(DATETIME) -  The last time a keep-alive message received from that device. 
9. cpu_usage -  Integer - The current CPU usage of the device (Percentage - value can be 0-100). 
10. ram_usage - Integer - The current RAM usage of the device (Percentage - value can be 0-100). 
11. disk_usage - Float - The current Disk usage of the device (MegaBytes). 
12. address - String - The current address set for this device. 
13. lat - Float - The current Latitude parameter set for this device. 
14. lng - Float - The current Longitude parameter set for this device. 
15. is_update_trigger_set - Boolean - If the parameter update trigger is currently set. valid values true/false.
16. description - String - The description of that device.
17. registered_date - String(DATETIME) - The date when this device has been registered to the platform.
18. tags - List of Strings - A list of all of the tags for this device.

19. updates - List of JSONs - The last 5 updates of that device with information regarding those updates.
 Each JSON includes the next parameters:
       1. update_id - Integer - The ID of the update.      
       2. update_status - String - The status of the update. 
 Possible values are: 
             pending - The update is pending and will be deployed at the scheduled time.
             in_progress - The update is in progress state, meaning it is currently being deployed. 
             success - The update successfully finished the deployment. failed - The deployment failed.      
       3. update_version - String - The version of the update.      
       4. comment - String - The comment set to the update when it was created.      
       5. deployment_schedule_time - String(DATETIME) - The time the deployment was scheduled to. By default this is the update creation time. Please note the value is UTC time with the next format: Year-Month-Day Hour:Minute:Second.
20. updates_v2 - List of JSONs - the last 5 updates (v2) of that device with information regarding those updates. Each JSON includes the next parameters:
            1. flow_name - String - The name of the flow that was deployed.
            2. deployment_status - String - The status of the update. Possible values are: pending - The update is pending and will be deployed at the scheduled time. 
                        pending - The update is pending and will be deployed if the Update Window is open.
                        in_progress - The update is in progress state, meaning it is currently being deployed. 
                        success - The update successfully finished deployment. failed - The deployment failed.
            3. comment - String - The comment set to the deployment when it was created.
            4. deployment_scheduled_time - String(DATETIME) - The time the deployment was scheduled to. By default this is the deployment creation time. Please note the value is UTC time with the next format: Year-Month-Day Hour:Minute:Second.
            5. apps_updated - List of JSONs - The apps that were set during the deployment. The JSON object contains 2 keys: {"app_name": "<name>", "app_new_version": "<version>"}
            6. deployment_type - String - The type of the deployment. Possible values are: manual, api-deployment.
21. apps - List of JSONs - A list of apps that this device has and their versions. the JSON object contains 2 keys: {"app_name": "<name>", "version": "<version>"}. The value of "more" is a boolean representing if there are more devices to query.


import json
import requests
json_content = {'project_name': 'MYPROJECT',
                'group_name': 'Production',
                'user_token': 'YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY'}

call_request = requests.get("", json=json_content)
call_response = json.loads(call_request.text)

if call_request.status_code != 200:
    if call_request.status_code == 429:
        error = "API limit reached"
        error = call_response["error_message"]
    for device in call_response["message"]:
        device_name = device["device_name"]
        device_id = device["device_id"]
        device_uuid = device["device_uuid"]
        upswift_version = device["upswift_version"]
        project = device["project"]
        group = device["group"]
        device_ip = device["device_ip"]
        last_keepalive = device["last_keepalive"]
        cpu_usage = device["cpu_usage"]
        ram_usage = device["ram_usage"]
        address = device["address"]
        lat = device["lat"]
        lng = device["lng"]
        is_update_trigger_set = device["is_update_trigger_set"]
        description = device["description"]
        registered_date = device["registered_date"]
        updates = device["updates"]
        tags = device["tags"]
        updates = device["updates_v2"]
        apps = device["apps"]
        mac_addresses = device["mac_addresses"]

Last updated

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