Get Device Files

In JFrog Connect you can easily retrieve logs or other files and folders from your IoT device. This page describes how to do that using the web UI.


You can retrieve a file or folder from a device. This is useful if you want to get log files or any other kind of file from a device.

Get File or Folder

To retrieve a file or folder from a device, do the following:

  1. Go to Logs in the left navigation tree and set the project, group, and any additional filters you need in the passive filter at the top of the page.

  1. Choose the name of the device from the list.

  1. For a single folder, enter the path on the device including the folder name. For an entire folder, enter the path including the folder name on the device. Click Fetch.

View Summary of Items Retrieved

The Logs page shows a summary of the requests you made to retrieve files and filters. To open the file or folder, click View in the relevant row in the table.

What’s Next?

Learn how to remove a device from your fleet.

Last updated