Deprecated OTA updates tools

JFrog Connect provides 2 options for deploying OTA updates on remote Linux based devices.

Over-the-air software updates tools

  1. Micro updates - Micro updates are application updates. You can update your application's code, install new packages, and run bash commands before/after the update is deployed. Usually, you would use a Micro update to deploy a new release of your application or patch a bug on your entire fleet of devices.

  2. Container updates - Container updates are updates for containers. You can deploy a new release of your container on your entire fleet of devices. Currently, container updates are available only for Docker repository containers (contact us for different repositories).

Deployment best practice

To deploy an OTA update in a stable reliable way, make sure to have a few groups that are separated to: Test group - devices that are in your development lab and are similar to the devices that are in production. Production groups - from one to unlimited groups that include the deployed devices by location, product type, etc.

Update deployment best method: First, deploy the OTA update on the Test group, make sure that everything worked as expected, and your lab devices running in the way they should after the software deployment you did.

Then, Deploy the same update on the needed production group by going to the 'Recent updates' tab under the 'Updates' category, clicking on the 'Deploy to others' button and choosing the relevant production group to begin the deployment on.

Connect OTA update methodology

By default, updates are being deployed in the order they were sent. In case the device is offline by the time the update was sent, the updates will roll out in the right order when the device gets back online.

Last updated